Il CBD potrebbe curare le dipendenze e le psicosi

Secondo uno studio dell’University College London (UCL) condotto dal dott. Matt Wall e pubblicato sul Journal of Psychopharmacology, il cannabidiolo (CBD) potrebbe aiutare a ridurre gli effetti psicotici del delta-9-tetraidrocannabinolo (THC) e sarebbe utile per trattare le dipendenze e le psicosi. Diciasette volontari che avevano trascorsi con la cannabis si sono sottoposti ad un esperimento che…

Hashish tradizionale

Non ho mai pensato alla composizione dei diversi hashish che ho fumato negli anni ’70 e ’80. A quel tempo, l’hashish dei paesi produttori aveva ciascuno uno specifico marchio di fabbrica di sapore e aroma e offriva un’esperienza psicoattiva unica. La differenza tra gli effetti psicoattivi della resina lavorata a mano (charas) rossa libanese, afghana,…

Weed World magazine issue 138


We have a wide range of articles covering challenges that you can face with growing “Don’t let ganja growing bug you!”, “Women of Weed, Taking down Walls & Crossing Borders” this topical article looks at different women and their reasons of how they got involved with cannabis and how they have made careers out it.

Weed World magazine issue 138 – Download


We have a wide range of articles covering challenges that you can face with growing “Don’t let ganja growing bug you!”, “Women of Weed, Taking down Walls & Crossing Borders” this topical article looks at different women and their reasons of how they got involved with cannabis and how they have made careers out it.

Weed World magazine issue 138 – Hard Copy


We have a wide range of articles covering challenges that you can face with growing “Don’t let ganja growing bug you!”, “Women of Weed, Taking down Walls & Crossing Borders” this topical article looks at different women and their reasons of how they got involved with cannabis and how they have made careers out it.


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You can now subscribe to Weed World Magazine digitally or in print as well as buying back issues and special editions. We are now offering Weed World digital subscriptions this is now available to you 24 hrs a day – 7 days a week so you never miss out on an issue. Please note that…

Event Calendar

Future Cannabis Strategies Europe – 29th & 30th January 2019Future Cannabis Strategies Europe – 29th & 30th January 2019 – London Future Cannabis Strategies Europe will bring together strategic business leaders from across the wider European Consumer-Facing Cannabis products category, this includes CBD/ Cannabis Products & Devices, Beverages, Tobacco, Cosmetics & Nutraceuticals), together with solution…